Power our Coronial inquests

Inquests are powerful tools for social change.

But there is no financial gain from inquests – so we need your help to fund this work.

Donate now to power our legal team in Coronial inquests.
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The impact of Coronial inquests

Alongside our clients, Coronial inquests help us drive systemic change in healthcare, immigration detention, policing, out-of-home care, prisons and youth detention.

Demand the truth

We demand the truth about the systemic failures that led to harm or death, which can assist healing and closure for our clients.

Support our clients

We develop trusting relationships with our clients and provide trauma-informed and culturally safe legal and emotional support during the process.

Expose systemic injustice

We help to expose the extent of systemic discrimination in Australia through our advocacy efforts.

Push for reform

We push for the Coroner’s recommendations to be implemented through advocacy and campaigning.

Let's end systemic discrimination. Donate now.